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No More Robots - Rank 1 by Bowserslave318 viewsWell, who else would be the highest ranked, but the one who lives solely for battle?

Mettaur by beedolphin318 viewsAhh, the Mettaur. How cute you are. They're always welcome to me!

Pumpkin Hill by GandWatch318 views...As frequently as Pink, Shagg, and Kit go into the Pumpkin Hill lyrics, they never stick in my mind. I guess I'm immune to rap... ::gets Kick the Rock stuck in head:: ...okay, immune to SOME rap.

Cut and Slice by Robin318 viewsNeedleMan.EXE is not to be underestimated! He'll cut you, man! And painfully!

Group Run by Airmanon318 viewsHere we have a pic of me and some of my friends, showing off our skills. Kit is speedrunning ahead of us, Pink, Shagg and I are using the abilities of our usual Mega Man characters of choice, and also added to the pic, we have Kevvl14 backing us up with the powers of X, thanks to his own Perfect Runs.

Met Man by 11Natrium318 viewsInteresting how many variants of Met Man there seem to be, haha, even I have one.

Thunder Man by Bazzoka317 viewsThis incarnation of Thunder Man makes him look quite stylish indeed. I like his dynamic poses.

Bright Man Card by Tom0027317 viewsOh dear... This particular card seems to capture Bright Man's cheapness pretty well, destroying all the opponent's traps and magic cards. Granted, it comes at a cost... I guess that actually does make Bright Man at least marginally less destructive than Jinzo in the actual game ^_^; At least it costs something to activate his ability, and it better what with the ability to keep your opponent from attacking for one turn ^_^;

HughesNet-tris by Tom0027317 viewsProof positive that HughesNet just doesn't play by the rules.

Must Capture SHINY by MegamanSonicX317 viewsI actually do have quite a few shiny Pokemon, though I've never encountered a shiny legendary.

Burner Man is Screwed by TPPR10317 viewsWhile it's the spikes that seem to do most of the work, technically, Burner Man's weakness is the Ice Wall... So let's ramp that up, shall we?

A Rusted Out Fan by Bowserslave317 viewsIn all fairness, I am trying to get some Air Man chips to help out on Hard Mode... Does that make it any better?
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