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Psychotic Burner Man by jsonic872289 views............Right then.... ::runs screaming into the distance::     (1 votes)

You Can't Hide on the Net by MegaBetaman599 viewsGetting a message in MMBN2 from an "IronMan" seemed to inspire this... but I can just never get away from those who cause me grief...     (1 votes)

StrikeMan EXE by ZakkiOrichalcum465 viewsStrikeMan looks like a master of all sports. Possibly a rival of BowlMan's?     (1 votes)

TornadoMan EXE by LaZodiac317 viewsThis rendition of TornadoMan EXE shows him as a vain Navi who feels himself to be a god of wind.     (1 votes)

You Can't Hide on the Net by MegaBetaman797 viewsYes, my nightmares can find me even on the internet. Why won't they leave me alone?!!     (1 votes)

Mega Issues by GandWatch952 viewsThere were several reasons for not letting anyone from Mega Man into Smash Bros... Spike allergies, unwillingness to fight, overdone transformation sequences, asking for too much money...     (1 votes)

Roahm's Stage pt 3 by MegaBetaman794 viewsAnd now, the final part of my stage. I love the details of the Met dispensers, the warning signs for all the enemies I hate, and even a sign showing that Crystal Man and Jewel Man are accepted. SHINIES!     (1 votes)

Oh Stabbity by ZeroJanitor669 viewsA Quick Man fight is never a good thing.... And then Bright Man just had to butt in... This could be problematic...     (1 votes)

CrystalMan EXE by SparkyDaHedgehog324 viewsA good, solid rendition of CrystalMan as a Navi. It seems like a good, solid design they might have used.     (1 votes)

1 DWCK by Robin454 viewsOn Thanksgiving, I jokingly did a short LP of Duck Hunt. However, the title screen glitched horribly, and the difficulty setting clearly stated that mode one featured 1 DWCK! And thus, the official bird of Coatpockets was born. The Dwck is a majestic creature of proud Norsk heritage. Raise the drawbridge!     (1 votes)

Stage Select by Crappyblueluigi1517 viewsBugger is indeed the word here, as I find myself surrounded by eight of the Robot Masters that gave me the most trouble. This.... could be trouble.     (5 votes)

Roahm and Star Man by cooljobsrule791 viewsPart of a proposed series on questioning how different Robot Masters feel about me. It seems there is question as to why I always talk about the shininess of Crystal Man and Jewel Man, but not Star Man. Well, I am after all a dragon, and we do love treasure... Still, Star Man is indeed quite shiny... perhaps there's room for him in my hoard after all...     (2 votes)
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