Roahm's Favorite Kirby Abilities by Jon Causith246 viewsI got to use all my favored abilities during the Arena project I did with Kit, Shagg, and Pink. Thus, I got to enjoy Ninja, Ice, Yo-yo, and Sword. I always did like such stylish abilities, and really wish Yo-yo would come back.
Roahm and Jon's Favorite Mario Characters by Jon Causith262 viewsWhen it comes to Mario, it seems Jon is all about the bros, though he prefers the underdog Luigi. Me? Big surprise I go for the reptiles of the bunch. I love Yoshi, and still wish we'd get a Mario style platformer where Bowser is your main character.
One and the Same by Jon Causith222 viewsI always did like Lololo and Lalala. As a fan of the Adventures of Lolo series, it was nice seeing them cameo in another game.
Jon's Favorite Overall Kirby Abilities by Jon Causith233 viewsWhen factoring in all Kirby abilities, Jon still loves Ninja, but also goes for the hyperly fun Ball, the speedy Tornado, and the variety of powers granted by Spark.
Jon's Favorite KSS Abilities by Jon Causith214 viewsHere we have Jon's favorite abilities from Kirby Super Star. Ninja, Beam, Suplex, and Ice are definitely some nice, stylish ones, and even shares two of my favorites.
Flames of Justice NOT by Jon Causith242 viewsI definitely have to agree, FlameMan is kind of weird. Also interesting to note, both Jon and I imagine Mr. Match with a cajun accent rather than the overblown Scottish stereotype he was in the English dub of the anime.
CrystalMan EXE by Jon Causith236 viewsHere we have a cool Navi form of CrystalMan, said to be operated by Miyu's niece. That does seem like it would be an interesting fit.
A Bitter Loose End by Jon Causith236 viewsYou know... I guess Pranko WOULD be used to it with how much he derped to his doom during my LP ^_^;;
Favorite Robot Masters - 1st Place by Jon Causith318 viewsIN LIVING COLOR! For the top of the chart, Jon went all out with full color. His choice, the always awesome Fire Man. Mine?... Well was there ever any doubt?
Favorite Robot Masters - 2nd Place by Jon Causith292 viewsFor 2nd place, we both went on the shiny side! Jon's was more shiny in the way of light, going with Flash Man. I went for Crystal Man.
The Rebounding Troll by Jon Causith240 viewsYou know those bouncy clown punching bag things? Perhaps it's a good thing you can't get close enough to punch ColorMan...
Top Ten Favorite Robot Masters - No 3 by Jon Causith276 viewsIt looks like we were after speed and agility for 3rd place. Jon took the speeding star Nitro Man, whereas I went with the agile ninja Shadow Man.
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