MMBN5 Team Setups by Jon Causith348 viewsSo we listed our dream teams, but what if we were specifically limited to Navis from BN5? Here are our respective setups. Also, a bit of a detailing of Jon's journey through the game.
Metroid Doodlefest updated by Jon Causith269 viewsHere we have an update to Jon's Metroid Doodlefest. Her various suits do tend to look good. My personal favorite was the Light Suit from Prime 2.
Dream Teams by Jon Causith389 viewsSo what if we could make our own teams of Navis in BN5? This is what we'd both want. Odd how Bright Man is one of my least favorite Robot Masters, and yet BrightMan.EXE is one of my favorite Navis.
WeedsMan EXE WIP by Jon Causith276 viewsHere we have a new Navi being made by Jon Causith. WeedsMan here evidently lives to drain energy from healthy programs and Navis.
AstroMan EXE Has Been Adorablified by Jon Causith333 viewsHere we have a design for an EXE counterpart to Astro Man. It seems he's been hit with the Cute Hammer!
Metroid Doodlefest by Jon Causith285 viewsA bit of a study of Metroid here, specifically, the Varia Suit. Yeaaaah, those shoulders kind of got out of control in some games XD
MMBN6 Faves by Jon Causith334 viewsAnd so we reach our favorites for MMBN6, though Jon hasn't played this one. Still, TenguMan is pretty dang cool. And for some reason I really like KillerMan's design. Also, love the Homestar reference X)
JewelMan Gets a Chance to Shine by Jon Causith335 viewsHere we have quite a nice colored pic of JewelMan.EXE, even with some designs for one of his main moves. JewelMan looks quite cool here, I'd definitely want him as a Navi ^_^
MMBN5 Faves by Jon Causith321 viewsSo here we have our favorites from MMBN5. Jon chooses the quite useful GyroMan, while my favorite is the adorable (and also useful) BlizzardMan. BN5 is definitely one of my favorites, seems to be one of Jon's as well.
MMBN4 Faves by Jon Causith335 viewsHere we have our favorites from MMBN4. For me, yeah, mine is an older choice originating in BN3, but I love MetalMan. Also, nice Heavy reference there X) Jon's choice is ShadeMan. I'd have liked him more if he didn't force use of Dark Chips during the main story battles. Quite annoying. As a bonus, Jon also gives us the MMBN4 Experience in a nutshell.
NitroMan EXE Rides the Lightning by Jon Causith325 viewsHere we have a finalized design for NitroMan.EXE. Jon said in the message that he pictures NitroMan as an "antihero" type. Not a bad guy, but hardened through battle, his gritty appearance coming from his life of trying to keep balance in the Undernet.
MMNT Faves by Jon Causith300 viewsHere we have our favorites from Network Transmission. Jon's pick is StarMan, quite a solid choice, while I like the crazy poses and style of BrightMan. The rant given at the side is rather interesting, as I think that's how a lot of people felt about it. However, if you really think about it, I guess StoneMan.EXE and MagicMan.EXE don't bear much resemblance to their Robot Master counterparts either.
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