Astro Man by Airmanon262 viewsWell, he did better in Mega Man & Bass, that's for sure.
Group Run by Airmanon316 viewsHere we have a pic of me and some of my friends, showing off our skills. Kit is speedrunning ahead of us, Pink, Shagg and I are using the abilities of our usual Mega Man characters of choice, and also added to the pic, we have Kevvl14 backing us up with the powers of X, thanks to his own Perfect Runs.
Ninja Bright Man by Airmanon259 viewsBright Man is bad enough already, thanks o.o;
Nezumi Man Stage Select by Airmanon313 viewsHere we have a state select, based on Airmanon's earlier work of comparing the various Nezumi characters to Robot Masters.
Gyoniku Wily by airmanon245 viewsAnd concluding the series, as the main antagonist, of course Dr. Gyoniku gets to be Wily. A shame he has no mighty eyebrows to waggle.
Dragon Terra by airmanon246 viewsI had to think about this one for awhile, but given how Dragon Nezumi combines his chaser with other attacks, he is rather like Terra in some ways. And hey, who knows what fabulous hair is hiding under that dragon helmet?
Usagi Snake by airmanon239 viewsAs confused and spastic as Usagi is, at the core of the fight, it feels a lot like dealing with Snake Man due to how his weapon works. And hey, tossing a snake into the confused kangaroo's mix shouldn't make too much more of a mind screw.
Milky Star by airmanon226 viewsGiven Milky Nezumi's star motif, this one shouldn't come as a surprise. Plus his stage even has Star Man's gravity shenanigans!
Enker Wave by airmanon224 viewsThis one stems from my own observations. While Wave Nezumi doesn't reflect your attacks, the way she jumps across the room, sometimes stopping in the middle and such, reminds me a lot of fighting Enker.
Butter Plant by airmanon215 viewsA plant-based cow mouse?! WHAT HAS SCIENCE WROUGHT?!! Plant Man is evidently airmanon's favorite shield user, hence using him here.
Delay Pharaoh by airmanon233 viewsThis one isn't so much due to Delay Nezumi's actions, but his weapon, the Delay Bomb, works a lot like Pharaoh Shot.
Smoke Air by airmanon228 viewsThis one... Even airmanon states is a bit of a stretch. But then, I'm not quite sure who else might have worked for Smoke Nezumi...
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