Just Doing My Job by Eddy64102 viewsThat is not a small charge. You'll be paying that one back for awhile.
WHEE by Eddy64103 viewsPutting the bounciest Robot Master in such a bouncy stage seems like it could be problematic...
The Real Reason Milk Left by Eddy64115 viewsBut Butter Nezumi, it's not cheese yet!
Lost Database Disc by Eddy64128 viewsConsidering how long I've been delaying working on this update due to Cookie Run updating? Yeah, that's an accurate bad point of mine...
Hypothetical Scenario by Eddy64126 viewsIt would be pretty funny if you could end the Door Man encounter early by simple good manners.
Toad Joe by Eddy6496 viewsThese guys during MaGMML2 never ceased to crack me up. I have no idea why, they were just really amusing to me apparently!
Bad Eddie 6 by Eddy64100 viewsA bit more subtle evil this time. Which, I don't like Spam, so it still works against me.
Bad Eddie 5 by Eddy6498 viewsThe truest form of betrayal.
Bad Eddie 4 by Eddy64114 viewsNOW YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR!
Bad Eddie 3 by Eddy64102 viewsBeing honest? I'm kind of surprised no one actually DID this. Maybe it wouldn't work in the engine?
Bad Eddie 2 by Eddy64112 viewsEddie, now you're just TRYING to be evil. And showing off, really.
Bad Eddie 1 by Eddy6499 viewsAnd so my trust in Eddie died that day, and I was always on my guard any time he showed up past this little gag.