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Lan Exposes Zap by HatOnFire44 viewsA particular plot point of HatOnFire's AU seems to involve Count Zap manipulating things from behind the scenes. At least until Lan uncovers the truth.

A Tense Court Scene by HatOnFire40 viewsA scene from HatOnFire's MMBN Reinstalled AU, in which Count Zap is attempting to frame Lan as a culprit for one of his crimes.

MMBN Reinstalled : Ripley Marduk and MythMan by hatonfire38 viewsA fanmade operator and Navi team. I'm admittedly not well versed on who Ripley Marduk is, but an interesting design, and an instance of my own character in a Navi form.

Lan and MegaMan by HatOnFire36 viewsHere we have MegaMan.EXE with an older Lan Hikari. Pretty nice style for the older outfit.

Yellow Devil Mark by HatOnFire35 viewsYou know, it always hit me as weird that we never got a true Yellow Devil in the MMBN series. I... guess maybe Alpha is the closest we ever got? At least has the whole "goopy" thing down.

Cross Fusion MagicMan by HatOnFire34 viewsMagicMan was always my favorite Navi. I wish he'd gotten to appear more in the series. Sadly, he's only in the original game, Battle Chip Challenge, and the Wonderswan platformer.

MMBN Reinstalled : Cross Fusion FireMan by HatOnFire34 viewsHonestly, this was a cross fusion I always wanted to see, Mr. Match's hair just looks like it would work really well as like a fiery mane or such.

Detective Reddington Bluemann by HatOnFire33 viewsAn original character from HatOnFire's MMBN Reinstalled AU, Detective Reddington Bluemann of the Net Police's Anti-WWW task force. In this AU, he's Mayl's legal guardian.

Cross Fusion ColorWoman by HatOnFire32 viewsMore art from the MMBN Reinstalled concept, here we have a cross fusion between Ms. Madd and ColorMan.

Cross Fusion GutsMan by HatOnFire32 viewsThis is something I always kind of wished would have happened when the EXE anime became a henshin team show. Dex just felt like he got the short end of the stick for being one of the OG friend squad. At least as far as I recall, he never got to cross fuse with GutsMan...

Cross Fusion ProtoMan by HatOnFire30 viewsAnother from the Reinstalled series, a new cross fusion style for ProtoMan. Rather than the sort of "mix" of color the original ponytail had, this one instead goes for a twin-tail design, one black and one white.

Cross Fusion ElecMan by HatOnFire25 viewsWhile I wasn't told who the operator is this time, evidently Cross Fusion ElecMan seems to have something to do with a plot to get Lan in legal trouble.