
Simple Equation by roxasofmalice160 viewsSo Quick Man plus TV equals 4Kids? So how then does this figure in with 4Kids and Leo Burnett being the devil?

Defense Mech by roxasofmalice164 viewsEvidently, we have here a mech for taking on nightmare bosses. I won't question that, any help in getting rid of nightmares is always welcome.

The Lost Shiny by roxasofmalice177 viewsIt seems Lugia and Ho-oh have found quite an entrancing shiny in their journeys! The interesting thing is, I have a lot of gems just like that that I have near my computer. Ironically, green happens to be a color I'm missing.

ShinyMan EXE by roxasofmalice149 viewsThis Navi seems to have a semi draconic theme, a preference for sword attacks, wings, flight abilities, and a desire for shinies... I wonder just who might be his operator...