
MagmaMan EXE by TheKoopakirby205 viewsThis rendition of MagmaMan.EXE is largely inspired by Chernabog from Fantasia. I think it looks quite cool ^_^ Amusingly, this Navi being evil, in conjunction with his operator, does seem to continue the uncertainty of Mr. Match's true alignment XD

BladeMan EXE by TheKoopakirby184 viewsThis is an interesting design for a Blade Man Navi, looking at him as an executioner. Though it is strange to think of him as being of good alignment ^_^; Granted, I suppose KillerMan was as well... ^_^;

Astro EXE by TheKoopakirby178 viewsHere we have a female Navi counterpart to Astro Man. It seems she's based more around hovercrafts however.

Orbit Man by TheKoopakirby166 viewsI'm generally surprised that, not counting the Stardroids, there are relatively few space-themed Robot Masters. This seems like it would work rather nicely.

PlugMan EXE by TheKoopakirby169 viewsHaving developed a design for PlugMan in an earlier pic, TheKoopakirby decided to flesh it out a bit more here. Somehow I could see this design working well.

Beast Man by TheKoopakirby183 viewsThis is quite an interesting take on a Robot Master form of BeastMan.EXE. This one seems to be a bit of a werewolf. I'm somewhat surprised werewolves have only been used as minor enemies in Shade Man's stage thus far...

Bowl Man by TheKoopakirby154 viewsThis rendition of Bowl Man takes the theme quite far, even going so far as having strike marks on his body.

Chibi Nightmares by TheKoopakirby266 viewsTheKoopakirby noticed that a couple of my nightmare bosses managed to get turned into rather cute Navis. Both Bright Man and Aqua Man got the EXE Chibi Makeover (tm). Also added is an EXE counterpart for PlugMan. Somehow I could see this working X)

CrashMan EXE by TheKoopakirby173 viewsAn interesting rendition of CrashMan.EXE, this one is themed on laser tag. It was said his level would also feature this theme, which sounds like it could be interesting.

Thunder Man by TheKoopakirby169 viewsTheKoopakirby has a different take on Thunder Man. Everyone seems to think Thunder Man should be electric in nature, but TheKoopakirby has the valid point that thunder is actually sound, not electricity.

TempleMan EXE by TheKoopakirby180 viewsThis seems quite an interesting theme for a Navi, based around the sort of temples and ruins you might find Indiana Jones exploring. His use of traps seems like it would make for an interesting battle.

Contibots by TheKoopakirby171 viewsThinking along the lines of the Stardroids, TheKoopakirby decided to make a series of Robot Masters based on the continents. Here we have Africa, Antarctica, Austrailia, and South America.