
Hydra Man by TheKoopakirby177 viewsClaimed to be a nightmare boss in training, I suppose one that only got stronger as the battle progresses would be trouble indeed.

BurstMan EXE by TheKoopakirby170 viewsIt looks like we have a bit of a chibi bomb here. The countdown display seems to double as his eyes. However, don't let the cute look deceive you. Evidently BurstMan is a sort of "cleanup" Navi, sent by criminals as a sort of explosive assassin!

PicoPico EXE by TheKoopakirby171 viewsWell this was unexpected, a Navi form of a fortress boss? At least it's not Buebeam EXE, that would be bad news indeed!

Gate Man by TheKoopakirby142 viewsThis rendition of Gate Man seems to use keys as weapons. Perhaps this is Wily's way of finally learning to lock the doors of his fortresses?

Hat Man by TheKoopakirby153 viewsIt looks like we have a Robot Master rendition of another Japan-only Navi, HatMan. This one calls to mind the original HatMan's design as a stage magician, seemingly taking the form of a magician's bunny.

Hat Man (brother rendition) by TheKoopakirby150 viewsThis rendition of Hat Man as a Robot Master was actually done by TheKoopakirby's brother. This one looks more like he's focused on throwing his hats around.

SheepMan EXE by TheKoopakirby185 viewsThis iteration of SheepMan.EXE looks like somewhere between a shepherd and a wizard. It's an interesting look I think.

Planet Man by TheKoopakirby173 viewsHere we have a Robot Master design for Planet Man. It would explain his Wood attribute in the Battle Network series X)

Planet Man Enemies by TheKoopakirby160 viewsUpon submitting his Robot Master design for Planet Man, TheKoopakirby also designed enemies with which to populate his stage. Quite a nice touch, that.

ChillMan EXE by TheKoopakirby195 viewsThe question remains... Which is actually ChillMan? The iceberg or the boat? ^_^;