
JewelMan EXE by JUN0TheF0X555 viewsThis design for JewelMan.EXE is quite entrancing. Very myseterious looking. It appears his version of Jewel Satellite is more of a ring shield. Quite an interesting take on the shiniest Navi ever!

8bit Dragon Man by JUN0TheF0X634 viewsFurthering the concept of Dragon Man, JUN0TheF0X sent in an 8bit rendition of the robot master in question. His work quite impresses me, it always looks very professional ^_^

Dragon Man Powered Up by JUN0TheF0X824 viewsThis was sent in as a companion piece to JUN0's original Dragon Man concept, but this time, as a Powered Up, chibi style! This guy has real talent, and I really think he should send this in if ever there's another Robot Master design contest.

Roahm Robot Master by JUN0TheF0X583 viewsThis awesome piece was sent in by JUN0TheF0X, a robot master styled on my dragonny self. It seems his weapon of choice is a blast of elemental magic. I love the light sourcing on this, quite well done ^_^