
Roahm Mythril by GeorgeTheRaccoon200 viewsQuite a nice and colorful rendition! And it looks like I even get an adorable little Pocket Met!

SNAITF by Raccoonman_900208 viewsHey, don't look so down, SNAITF, or as he is now known, SOAITF. You're coming in quite handy after all!

Sheep by GeorgeTheRaccoon433 viewsYou know, whacked out as Walter is, I could accept this.

Worms by GeorgeTheRaccoon240 viewsAnyone who has seen me in action in Pink's Worms videos know I do love my homing pigeons. The power of BIRD, on my side for once!

Evil Ernie by GeorgeTheRaccoon217 viewsAnd thus, we finally know why Yai's computer is full of rubber ducks. It all makes sense now!

Cry Some More by GeorgeTheRaccoon237 viewsGive me an Unlimited SMG in Silent Hill and I'm a happy dragon. NEW VEAPON IS GOOD!

Insane Cancer Sonic by GeorgeTheRaccoon220 views......Nothing that huge should be that fast! o.o; Insane Cancers are already worrisome enough at the speeds they CAN travel at.

Quick Victini by GeorgeTheRaccoon239 viewsSee, here's the thing to understand. I actually think Quick Man looks cool. I have nothing against his visual design. I just hate fighting that spaz ^_^;

This is My Weapon by GeorgeTheRaccoon243 views...It fires super heated plasma bullets. It costs 500 Bolts to fire this gun for three shots at a time...

Mets Attack by GeorgeTheRaccoon217 viewsNo! My dear little Mets! Just say no to the dark side! Even if those are rather stylish helmets.

Lancario by GeorgeTheRaccoon212 viewsIn Megaman Network Transmission, Lan suddenly seems to be able to sense powerful viruses. One would think that would be Megaman's job. Just where did you get those cyber aura powers of yours, Lan?

Objection by GeorgeTheRaccoon254 viewsRecently, I got summoned for jury duty... yet again... this makes the fourth time o.o; However, quite fortunately, it turns out I don't have to go. Quite fortunate considering I am currently dealing with a cold o.o;
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