
Save the Video Game Wolves by TheLupineOne228 viewsHonestly, I have nothing against wolves. I actually quite like them. But they don't seem to share my feelings ^_^;

Most Awesome DLC by TheLupineOne181 viewsWell, the artist IS TheLUPINEOne, so of course Treble has a fan.

Roahm Chip by TheLupineOne194 viewsHere we have a chip demo of what my summon chip might do if I had one for myself. It's cool that it takes into consideration both my fire breath and my ice magic ^_^

Blame Cirno by TheLupineOne189 viewsI'll never know if Fairy Wars is what REALLY caused my computer's problems, but the timing was certainly odd... ^_^;

Conclusive Proof by TheLupineOne170 viewsYes, I do indeed go to TV Tropes. Kit introduced me to the site, and I've never recovered.

Suddenly by TheLupineOne248 viewsIn Sheep Man's stage, I said it was suddenly Megaman Battle Network. But things don't get REALLY bad unless it becomes MMBN2... Oh dear...

Hard Times for HotHead by TheLupineOne170 viewsYou have to feel sorry for HotHeads, losing their jobs to automated systems in Solar Man's stage...

MM10 Perfect Run Intro by TheLupineOne163 viewsThis is where the idea for the intro to my MM10 Perfect Run series came from. The artist asked me not to credit them in the video, but said I could do so here. I quite like how the intro ended up turning out, so thank you for the idea!

Triple Zero by TheLupineOne147 viewsVictini looks quite stylish in Proto Man's shades. They do after all share the common thread of both being numbered #000.