
Needle Man's Apology by ZeroJanitor259 viewsHmm, he seems so sincere, doesn't he? And is doing his best to look cute, too.

Bob Man by ZeroJanitor248 viewsSo as if Slash Man throwing liquid Bob at you wasn't bad enough, now there's a Robot Master made of the stuff!

Easy Mode by ZeroJanitor370 viewsAt the risk of being taunted by the rabbits of Eientei, sometimes it is nice to just relax and play easy mode. Yukkuri shiteitte ne!

Female Met by ZeroJanitor203 viewsQuite adorable, the female Met, as seen in the display cases in Spring Man's stage. I can just imagine them walking around and cutely batting their eyelashes before ducking into the helmet.

QuickRoll'd by ZeroJanitor506 viewsAt the end of my Fake Man run, I remarked that Fake Man seemed sort of disappointing after the difficulty of the stage. ZeroJanitor decided to fix that.

Oh Stabbity by ZeroJanitor674 viewsA Quick Man fight is never a good thing.... And then Bright Man just had to butt in... This could be problematic...