
Paint Troller by SilentDragonite149213 viewsI'm not sure if I want to see this guy's paintings... My guess would be all those weird memetic faces out there, like Forever Alone and Me Gusta...

Emo in the Closet by SilentDragonite149265 viewsWell, at least Quick Man and I can agree on some things.

Foster's Big Meeting Pt 1 by SilentDragonite149249 viewsWell, if they're meeting to get me to play the Ninja Gaiden games, they might be a bit disappointed... I never was any good with those.

WHAT IS A ROBOT by SilentDragonite149260 viewsBut enough energy bar charging, HAVE AT YOU!

Were-Roahm by SilentDragonite149282 viewsBut if I'm a weredragon, does that mean I get a cool jazz combo battle theme?

Dr Roahm by SilentDragonite149312 viewsToadmanitis is a dangerous disease sweeping the robot world. Unfortunately Quick Man is immune.

Quick Little Pile of Secrets by SilentDragonite149319 viewsAh, if only it were that easy to distract Quick Man.

The Ultimate Crash Dump by SilentDragonite149330 viewsAhh, the issues of the original PS1 emulator I was using... At least everything worked out in the end!

Gyro Man Hates Gravity by SilentDragonite149327 viewsKeep trying, Gyro Man, you'll get it eventually!

Return of Quick Man by SilentDragonite149286 viewsThat's it, we're all doomed.

Oh You Cheater by SilentDragonite149301 viewsWell, that explains it all. Also, Eat a Sandwich seems like a good enough option to me.

RAMPAGE by SilentDragonite149302 viewsSee? Be kind to the Mets, and they'll be kind to you. It pays!