
Beware of Dragon by SilentDragonite149178 viewsGranted I'm a nice dragon, so as long as you're nice too, there's not much to beware of.

Unsuccessful Dragon Catching by SilentDragonite149314 viewsQuick Man, you can do better than that. We all know you can ^_^;

Vote for Enker by SilentDragonite149234 viewsIt's good to see someone standing up for Met rights! Stand up for the cute!

Elec Man's Anger Problem by SilentDragonite149273 viewsFor the love of all that is adorable and eskimo-like, run Ice Man!

Bomb Man Steals an Ass by SilentDragonite149280 views.....Not quite sure why Bomb Man is doing this, but...... DUN NUNNNNNNNNNNN

Ice Man Hates the Heat by SilentDragonite149282 viewsBut Ice Man, don't you remember? You're STRONG against Fire Man!

Met for President by SilentDragonite149212 viewsWell, I know who I'm voting for!

Mega Man Hates His Job by SilentDragonite149349 viewsIt's a nightmare of a job, but somebody's gotta do it!

1up Curse by SilentDragonite149220 viewsThey're always watching..... always....

Quick Man for Dinner by SilentDragonite149315 views...Well, I suppose it brings a new meaning to fast food, hm? I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Quick Kirby by SilentDragonite149169 viewsNo, Kirby! Don't give in to the dark side!

Quick Man Repellent by SilentDragonite149338 viewsHmm... This seems like a useful product... I'll take fifteen cases, thank you.