
Bubble Bobble Roahm by PivotParalyzer155 viewsHaha, I always did love Bubble Bobble ^_^ It ranks as one of my favorite games, just so happy and cheerful, colorful and fun ^_^ *pon!*

Quest of the Shinies by PivotParalyzer186 viewsWith a Met at my side, I shall venture forth for shinies! No satellite broadband companies or colorful aquatic mammals shall stand in my way!

Roahm the Dragon by PivotParalyzer156 viewsA game about dragons and shinies.... Yeah, I'll definitely be LP-ing the original Spyro trilogy one of these days...

Roahm by PivotParalyzer185 viewsDespite my many victories over the forces of Dr. Wily... I will never defeat the evils of HughesNet...