
Pizza Roll by YankeeKirby260 viewsMmm.... pizza rolls.................. I'm sorry, what were we talking about?

Proposal by YankeeKirby273 viewsWell, it's a nice ring and all... but perhaps you should have seen Jewel Man to decorate it a bit.

Saw it Coming by YankeeKirby303 viewsSupersizing Metal Man's weakness to his own weapon? Sounds like a plan to me!

Difficult by YankeeKirby266 viewsA lot of people seem to think Mega Man 9 was a very difficult game. It didn't seem that bad, at least not after the first couple of times through, but I will admit my first trip through was anything but graceful.

Flashed by YankeeKirby326 views...Well, in canon, Flash Man IS supposed to be a bit on the pervy side...

Just Beat It by YankeeKirby413 viewsWell, Michael certainly won't have to worry about MM5's Wily Capsule, anyway.

Let There Be Light by YankeeKirby394 viewsAnd Light said, "When we find that meteow, we'w find Doctow Wahwee!"

Morning Wood by YankeeKirby290 views......Well, someone's always going to make that joke... Let's just be glad Hard Man's not around...