
Gliscor by Dragoonknight717237 viewsGliscor is pretty awesome, one of the first 4th gen breeds I trained. They can definitely make for a useful teammate.

Kirby by Dragoonknight717203 viewsFirst you draw a circle... I do rather wonder how good the new Kirby game will be when it comes out. Hopefully it will be a good one!

Spiritomb by Dragoonknight717196 viewsSpiritomb is an interesting Pokemon, though getting it is certainly a pain, especially having to do it yourself with two DS systems o.o;

Rinka Os by Dragoonknight717249 viewsIt's the most cost effective cereal ever! It constantly respawns in the box!

Dropped the Key by Dragoonknight717270 viewsAh, Team Rocket. I still give them more credit than Team Magma or Team Aqua, but still... that was a pretty silly thing. And why do all these evil, world domination teams attack you with Route 1 fodder so frequently?

Mewtwo by Dragoonknight717221 viewsI always liked Mewtwo for some reason, and it wasn't his power. I just always liked his design. I also really liked using him in Smash Bros. CURSE YOU BRAWL.

Totodile by Dragoonknight717222 viewsOf all the starters, I think Totodile is probably my favorite. While I like them all, I think Totodile was the main one that, as soon as the starters for a generation were known, I just said "yes." Snivy is a close second though.

Chingling by Dragoonknight717206 viewsChingling is a bit of a strange case with me. It's a pre-evolved form of a Pokemon from a previous generation. In this case, it's a pre-evo that showed up in 4th gen, of Chimecho, which was from 3rd gen. The strange part? I've trained a Chingling, but not a Chimecho. A shame as I really like Chimecho, too. I should get on that.

Nosepass by Dragoonknight717207 viewsNosepass is certainly a silly thing... I've never known quite what to think of Nosepass and its evolution, Probopass, they both amuse me a good bit ^_^;

Patrat by Dragoonknight717214 viewsAh, Patrat, one of the first Pokemon one can encounter in Black and White. He does at least set up some good, useful strategies for getting through the game, what with learning both Hypnosis and Confuse Ray fairly early.

Smeargle by Dragoonknight717225 viewsGiven my artistic tendencies, I always did like Smeargle. His Sketch move certainly opens up a world of possibilities for him.

Reuniclus by Dragoonknight717208 viewsI haven't looked too much into Reuniclus, but perhaps I should. It intrigues me somehow, but then, I've only recently started my White game, so I'll have to look into it later.