Last additions - Dragoonknight717 |

Joltik by Dragoonknight717213 viewsJoltik is adorable. I don't know why, but it is. Maybe it's the cute little jittering animation. Maybe it's the fact that it's the smallest Pokemon on record. Either way, it's made of pure fuzzy adorable.Apr 09, 2011

Mew by Dragoonknight717193 viewsAh Mew, the first event Pokemon. Such an adorable one, too. Sadly, events for her never came around where I lived. I had to resort to hacking one. I REGRET NOTHING!Apr 09, 2011

Missingno by Dragoonknight717211 viewsAh, Missingno. Back in the days of Red Blue and Yellow, how you ran rampant. I actually did attempt training one on an emulator just to see what the heck it was. Weird that I trained this glitch on the emulator, but it was my actual Blue cartridge that ended up with the box of Lv 50 Ground / Normal Clefairy...Apr 09, 2011

Pikachu by Dragoonknight717204 viewsLove them or hate them, here we have the de facto mascot of the Pokemon series, Pikachu. Really the only thing about them I dislike is GameFreak's constant insurance that, should you luck into getting a Surfing Pikachu, you'll never be able to import it to the next generation. I finally just sought out a Pikachu with a strong Water Hidden Power instead.Apr 09, 2011

Robot Masters by Dragoonknight717237 viewsHere we have a set of Robot Masters made by Dragoonknight717. These seem to be the ones in control of the weapons sent in earlier.Apr 09, 2011

Weedle by Dragoonknight717193 viewsAh, one of the original small bugs. I always liked Caterpie more, but Weedle is still cute.Apr 02, 2011

Fight, Mega Man by Dragoonknight717209 viewsAh, perhaps one of the most classic lines in the entire series. Fight on, Blue Bomber!Apr 02, 2011

Lapler by Dragoonknight717202 viewsAn offshoot? An evolution? It's obviously related to Lapras, though in what capacity, I'm not sure. It does however remind me of back when the theory was that Shellos was a Lapras pre-evolution.Apr 02, 2011

Mega Man Weapons by Dragoonknight717306 viewsHere we have a selection of weapons for Mega Man, were Dragoonknight717 to make a game. It's an interesting collection, I'd be interested to see the Robot Masters they came from. I still sometime should try drawing the Robot Masters and weapons I came up with...Apr 02, 2011

Nonemask by Dragoonknight717209 viewsNonemask is evidently a Ditto evolution. It would be rather interesting to see what could be done with evolving the little copy blob...Apr 02, 2011

Scrafty by Dragoonknight717195 viewsNow that I've actually played Black and White, Scraggy and Scrafty always seem to give me one specific problem : I always forget they're Dark types.Mar 26, 2011

Litwick by Dragoonknight717214 viewsThe Litwick line was probably one of my most anticipated sets as I waited for Black and White to be released. Chandelure is such an adorable breed, and the lower forms are also quite cute.Mar 12, 2011