Last additions - Dragoonknight717 |

Panpour by Dragoonknight717207 viewsHaving started with Snivy on Black, Panpour was in fact the elemental monkey I got as a gift. I actually really like this trio, they're all quite cute.Mar 12, 2011

Pidove by Dragoonknight717195 viewsPidove is somewhat interesting in the fact that I expected to encounter it a lot earlier than you do. This is mainly due to it being basically Ash's first capture in the Unova series of the cartoon, I thought it would be right there on the first route.Mar 12, 2011

Scraggy by Dragoonknight717214 viewsScraggy is certainly a strange new Pokemon, that's for sure. The whole pants thing... I'm tempted to name mine Levi or something of the like.Mar 05, 2011

Slowking by Dragoonknight717180 viewsFor some reason, I've always liked the Slowpoke family. They're weirdly cute somehow. The appearance of Slowking was a surprise. I have a hard time deciding which I like more between him and Slowbro.Mar 05, 2011

Magikarp by Dragoonknight717216 views...Would you believe I trained one of these to Lv 100?... And I'm not talking the high-level ones you can fish up in 4th gen. I trained this poor little fish all the way back on Blue.Mar 05, 2011

Porygon2 by Dragoonknight717206 viewsWhen Porygon2 was announced for 2nd gen, I was quite surprised. It's interesting, seeing Porygon's evolutionary path, especially since I figured he'd always stay with just the one form.Mar 05, 2011

Hitmonchan by Dragoonknight717181 viewsHitmonchan is definitely my favorite of the three Hitmons, and in fact was on my original 1st gen team. With new abilities and the physical move split of his punches, he's still quite a valuable team member even today.Feb 26, 2011

Larvitar by Dragoonknight717180 viewsLarvitar was one of the last few Johto breeds I trained to 100. Visually though, he is probably my favorite of that line.Feb 26, 2011

Trapinch by Dragoonknight717181 viewsThis is one of those cases of strange evolution. It's tough to believe this guy evolves into Flygon ^_^;Feb 05, 2011

White Team by Dragoonknight717220 viewsHere we have Dragoonknight's planned team for Pokemon White. You know, I still need to plan my first 5th gen team. All I know is I want the afro buffalo. Totally naming him Superfly.Feb 05, 2011

Regice by Dragoonknight717185 viewsIt's probably not too surprising that Regice is my favorite of the Regi trio. I always do love my ice types...Feb 05, 2011

Porygon by Dragoonknight717178 viewsPorygon was always one of my favorites. Pricey though it was to obtain one, I always loved having him on my team. Though he's gained two evolutions by now, the original is still my personal favorite design-wise.Feb 05, 2011