Last additions - Dragoonknight717 |

Jumpluff by Dragoonknight717166 viewsJumpluff may look innocent, but fight enough of them, and you'll see just how evil they can be o.o; So fast, and with so many options to cause trouble for the opponent.Feb 05, 2011

Bonsly by Dragoonknight717175 viewsBonsly I imagine was the first taste of 4th generation for a lot of Pokemon die-hard fans, given his playable cameo in Gale of Darkness.Feb 05, 2011

Castform by Dragoonknight717170 viewsAs it just so happens, Castform is in the current party I've been training. Mine is named Raynershyn (just try saying it out loud and it will make sense), and currently, she's at Lv 80.Feb 05, 2011

Chansey by Dragoonknight717180 viewsAh, Chansey. So cute, so friendly.... so happy to troll you given half a chance. Granted, Blissey is far worse about that, but still...Feb 05, 2011

Chinchou by Dragoonknight717182 viewsChinchou is one of those Pokemon that did take a little while to grow on me, design-wise, but now I think they're quite adorable.Feb 05, 2011

Wobbufett by Dragoonknight717173 viewsAgggh, bad memories... This one was a pain to train... and I have to do it again with Wynaut...Jan 29, 2011

Poliwhirl by Dragoonknight717174 viewsPoliwhirl is an interesting midpoint. Which way will you evolve him?Jan 29, 2011

Sableye by Dragoonknight717174 viewsIt should come as no surprise that I really like Sabeleye... So shiny.... so stylish...Jan 29, 2011

Ninjask by Dragoonknight717173 viewsI always did like Ninjask's style. When it came time for me to train one though, I handled things a bit differently. I trained a Nincada to Lv 99, only letting it evolve once it hit the final level. And thus I got a Lv 100 Ninjask AND a Lv 100 Shedinja, thanks to how that whole mechanic works.Jan 29, 2011

Gastly by Dragoonknight717170 viewsSimple as they may be, I've always liked Gastly. The ethereal whispiness just looks cool.Jan 29, 2011

Gulpin by Dragoonknight717171 viewsGulpin and Swalot kind of weirded me out for awhile after I saw them animated. The whole GIANT MOUTH thing was... kinda weird. But now I rather like these two, and in fact just recently trained a Swalot.Jan 29, 2011

Kirby Abilities by Dragoonknight717177 viewsHere we have a set of Kirby's abilities. Quite a nice sampling, seemingly from Kirby Super Star! I do wish Yo-yo would return.Jan 29, 2011