Last additions - Dragoonknight717 |

Electrode by Dragoonknight717169 viewsPoor Electrode, so famed for going boom, and from what I understand, this has been nerfed somewhat in 5th gen.Jan 29, 2011

Vileplume by Dragoonknight717171 viewsAh Vileplume, I always did like this one somehow. Sadly when I first played Pokemon, I only had access to Bellsprout, but as the addiciton grew, so too did my options.Jan 22, 2011

Bulbasaur by Dragoonknight717186 viewsDragoonknight717 is evidently embarking on a rather ambitious project of drawing Pokemon. I wish you luck ^_^;Jan 22, 2011

Pokemon Team by Dragoonknight717222 viewsHere we have Dragoonknight's Pokemon team. Interestingly, I too have a Pokemon named Poseidon, though it's my Poliwrath.Jan 15, 2011

Hacks by Dragoonknight717293 viewsBetween this and the Battle Frontier's habit of using maxed IVs and EVs to give impossible stats... yeah, Pokemon is no stranger to hacking.Jan 08, 2011

Slowknight by Dragoonknight717194 viewsInterestingly, I think I saw a different interpretation of a more defensive Slowpoke evolution elsewhere. Perhaps this is something a lot of trainers want?Jan 01, 2011

Splodery by Dragoonknight717186 viewsAn even faster Electrode? That's a frightening thought o.o;Jan 01, 2011

Paratank by Dragoonknight717178 viewsYou know, I wouldn't mind seeing Parasect get an evo, I quite like that breed.Jan 01, 2011

Pearltrio by Dragoonknight717180 viewsSo here we have an alternate evolution for Clamperl. Amusingly, I think I read about some sort of strategy where a particular hold item makes Clamperl a decently viable choice in battle.Jan 01, 2011

Gigadug by Dragoonknight717191 viewsDugtrio always was rather unnerving to see pop up. They may be fragile, but they hit hard and fast.Jan 01, 2011

Chimbell by Dragoonknight717209 viewsIt's interesting to see some custom Pokemon evolutions like this. Poor Farfetch'd, seems about the only chance he'd have of getting one.. This does remind me though that I need to train my Chimecho sometime. They're quite cute.Jan 01, 2011

Weepin Bells by Dragoonknight717224 viewsHaha, clearly a holiday classic in the Pokemon world, this X)Dec 27, 2010