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Every Perfect Runner's Nightmare by 342bruno3680 viewsOh dear... This does not look promising... And Bright Man just has to taunt Mega Man, stopping time to give him that moment to contemplate his being ripped to shreads...

001 - Welcome to the Complex2661 viewsJust a little exposition to my comic. Every story needs a beginning!

Quick Man vs Robot Masters by 342bruno2658 viewsSee, this is why I'd love to be able to have a collection of Powered Up games where you could play ANY stage in the entire series as ANY Robot Master... I would love to have Guts Man confuse Quick Man's AI.... X)

Distraction by GandWatch2550 viewsWhen BlisseyChan sent me fan art of several of my nightmare robot masters wanting a rematch, I mentioned a huge distracting thing in an effort to escape. GandWatch imagined it as Jewel Man, shining brilliantly. It's distracting..... but also.... so very entrancingly shiny...

Roahm's Nightmare by hacklord7772487 viewsAs if all those bosses weren't bad enough... now they've all been merged into one super-nightmare?! AGGGGH!!!

Roahm2076 viewsA skilled sorcerer and swordsman, and your humble webmaster and artist. Roahm is a dependable dragon of all trades, never too busy to lend a hand to his friends. He is, however, easily distracted by shiny objects. Roahm (c) R. Mythril

FISH'D by GandWatch2046 viewsAnother fun sprite comic sent in by GandWatch! Yes, it seems my exclamation of "FISH'D" has caught on ^_^: But Mega Man would be wise not to anger the aquatic population...

005 - Shelf Life1913 viewsCale does try to be helpful, but his methods seem to be starting a trend...

002 - The Starting Lineup1874 viewsMeet the Ayarais and the Mythrils, the two major families of the Kitfox Complex. And no, I am not a morning dragon.

003 - The Caffeine Dispenser1792 viewsIf you aren't fully awake, it does take you awhile to notice something amiss...

The Power of Cuteness by GandWatch1726 viewsAnother sprite comic sent in by GandWatch! I had to edit this one a little bit beyond just size alterations. Coppermine is incredibly picky about heights and widths, and GandWatch's comics tend to be a bit on the large size ^_^; Anyway, it's time to learn just why you should never, EVER upset a Waddle Dee, especially one from The Arena...

Dazed and Confused by GandWatch1708 viewsThis came in from GandWatch. The basic premise is "what if my site had a Megaman Battle Network style network?" This is the result, which I think turned out pretty cool ;) Though Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass seem a little troubled by their experiences with zero gravity...
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