Most viewed - Dragoonknight717 |

Nightmare Eddie by Dragoonknight717240 viewsEddie, what are you doing?! This truly is evil!

Roahm's Mansion by Dragoonknight717240 viewsA mansion full of shinies, Mets, my favorite games? There has to be a catch somewhere...

Robot Masters by Dragoonknight717237 viewsHere we have a set of Robot Masters made by Dragoonknight717. These seem to be the ones in control of the weapons sent in earlier.

Gliscor by Dragoonknight717237 viewsGliscor is pretty awesome, one of the first 4th gen breeds I trained. They can definitely make for a useful teammate.

Dark Mega Man by Dragoonknight717234 viewsHere we have a classic series counterpart to Dark Megaman from the Battle Network series.

Net Christmas by Dragoonknight717229 viewsThe tree from Green Area does make quite a lovely Christmas tree. Sprucing it up just right, putting the right colors around... Happy holidays to all our Navi friends!

Smeargle by Dragoonknight717225 viewsGiven my artistic tendencies, I always did like Smeargle. His Sketch move certainly opens up a world of possibilities for him.

Weepin Bells by Dragoonknight717224 viewsHaha, clearly a holiday classic in the Pokemon world, this X)

MM9 GB by Dragoonknight717222 viewsHmm... I can only imagine smaller room sizes would have made these guys tougher to deal with...

Pokemon Team by Dragoonknight717222 viewsHere we have Dragoonknight's Pokemon team. Interestingly, I too have a Pokemon named Poseidon, though it's my Poliwrath.

Totodile by Dragoonknight717222 viewsOf all the starters, I think Totodile is probably my favorite. While I like them all, I think Totodile was the main one that, as soon as the starters for a generation were known, I just said "yes." Snivy is a close second though.

Mewtwo by Dragoonknight717221 viewsI always liked Mewtwo for some reason, and it wasn't his power. I just always liked his design. I also really liked using him in Smash Bros. CURSE YOU BRAWL.