Most viewed - Dragoonknight717 |

White Team by Dragoonknight717220 viewsHere we have Dragoonknight's planned team for Pokemon White. You know, I still need to plan my first 5th gen team. All I know is I want the afro buffalo. Totally naming him Superfly.

Meddy and Pill Man by Dragoonknight717219 viewsHere we have a Robot Master counterpart for Meddy, as well as an older brother for her, Pill Man. We even get a surgeon Met for good measure!

Toad Man on Toad by Dragoonknight717219 viewsEvidently, this is a reference to Thomas and Friends. I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with it, so I can't really add more than that.

Draygonsoft Studios by Dragoonknight717219 viewsSomehow, this seems quite a creepy takeover... I never did like Draygon...

Magikarp by Dragoonknight717216 views...Would you believe I trained one of these to Lv 100?... And I'm not talking the high-level ones you can fish up in 4th gen. I trained this poor little fish all the way back on Blue.

Lickitung's Dream by Dragoonknight717215 viewsIt certainly looks like Lickitung is happy to see the new ice cream Pokemon X)

Scraggy by Dragoonknight717214 viewsScraggy is certainly a strange new Pokemon, that's for sure. The whole pants thing... I'm tempted to name mine Levi or something of the like.

Litwick by Dragoonknight717214 viewsThe Litwick line was probably one of my most anticipated sets as I waited for Black and White to be released. Chandelure is such an adorable breed, and the lower forms are also quite cute.

Patrat by Dragoonknight717214 viewsAh, Patrat, one of the first Pokemon one can encounter in Black and White. He does at least set up some good, useful strategies for getting through the game, what with learning both Hypnosis and Confuse Ray fairly early.

Joltik by Dragoonknight717213 viewsJoltik is adorable. I don't know why, but it is. Maybe it's the cute little jittering animation. Maybe it's the fact that it's the smallest Pokemon on record. Either way, it's made of pure fuzzy adorable.

Vs Kirby by Dragoonknight717211 viewsHmm... If he learns Swallow, watch out... And keep him in his own PC box...

Missingno by Dragoonknight717211 viewsAh, Missingno. Back in the days of Red Blue and Yellow, how you ran rampant. I actually did attempt training one on an emulator just to see what the heck it was. Weird that I trained this glitch on the emulator, but it was my actual Blue cartridge that ended up with the box of Lv 50 Ground / Normal Clefairy...