Most viewed - Dragoonknight717 |

Snivy by Dragoonknight717210 viewsIt's going to take a bit to get used to Snivy, but then, it always takes awhile to get used to the new names.

Gangster Man by Dragoonknight717209 viewsHmm.... Is this the new star of Grand Theft Auto 20XX?

Chimbell by Dragoonknight717209 viewsIt's interesting to see some custom Pokemon evolutions like this. Poor Farfetch'd, seems about the only chance he'd have of getting one.. This does remind me though that I need to train my Chimecho sometime. They're quite cute.

Nonemask by Dragoonknight717209 viewsNonemask is evidently a Ditto evolution. It would be rather interesting to see what could be done with evolving the little copy blob...

Fight, Mega Man by Dragoonknight717209 viewsAh, perhaps one of the most classic lines in the entire series. Fight on, Blue Bomber!

Reuniclus by Dragoonknight717208 viewsI haven't looked too much into Reuniclus, but perhaps I should. It intrigues me somehow, but then, I've only recently started my White game, so I'll have to look into it later.

Panpour by Dragoonknight717207 viewsHaving started with Snivy on Black, Panpour was in fact the elemental monkey I got as a gift. I actually really like this trio, they're all quite cute.

Nosepass by Dragoonknight717207 viewsNosepass is certainly a silly thing... I've never known quite what to think of Nosepass and its evolution, Probopass, they both amuse me a good bit ^_^;

Porygon2 by Dragoonknight717206 viewsWhen Porygon2 was announced for 2nd gen, I was quite surprised. It's interesting, seeing Porygon's evolutionary path, especially since I figured he'd always stay with just the one form.

Chingling by Dragoonknight717206 viewsChingling is a bit of a strange case with me. It's a pre-evolved form of a Pokemon from a previous generation. In this case, it's a pre-evo that showed up in 4th gen, of Chimecho, which was from 3rd gen. The strange part? I've trained a Chingling, but not a Chimecho. A shame as I really like Chimecho, too. I should get on that.

Vs Gengar by Dragoonknight717205 viewsAh, Gengar, always a stylish ghost. You have to love that grin.

Pikachu by Dragoonknight717204 viewsLove them or hate them, here we have the de facto mascot of the Pokemon series, Pikachu. Really the only thing about them I dislike is GameFreak's constant insurance that, should you luck into getting a Surfing Pikachu, you'll never be able to import it to the next generation. I finally just sought out a Pikachu with a strong Water Hidden Power instead.