Most viewed - Dragoonknight717 |

Kirby by Dragoonknight717203 viewsFirst you draw a circle... I do rather wonder how good the new Kirby game will be when it comes out. Hopefully it will be a good one!

Lapler by Dragoonknight717202 viewsAn offshoot? An evolution? It's obviously related to Lapras, though in what capacity, I'm not sure. It does however remind me of back when the theory was that Shellos was a Lapras pre-evolution.

Diglett by Dragoonknight717201 viewsDiglett is a Pokemon that will haunt me forever due to the cartoon. Seriously, that was the most earworm cry of anything in the show. Diglett DIG Diglett DIG TRIO TRIO TRIO!

Spiritomb by Dragoonknight717196 viewsSpiritomb is an interesting Pokemon, though getting it is certainly a pain, especially having to do it yourself with two DS systems o.o;

Pidove by Dragoonknight717195 viewsPidove is somewhat interesting in the fact that I expected to encounter it a lot earlier than you do. This is mainly due to it being basically Ash's first capture in the Unova series of the cartoon, I thought it would be right there on the first route.

Scrafty by Dragoonknight717195 viewsNow that I've actually played Black and White, Scraggy and Scrafty always seem to give me one specific problem : I always forget they're Dark types.

Slowknight by Dragoonknight717194 viewsInterestingly, I think I saw a different interpretation of a more defensive Slowpoke evolution elsewhere. Perhaps this is something a lot of trainers want?

Bisharp by Dragoonknight717194 viewsBisharp is a rather strange one... I kind of wonder why they decided to name these two after chess pieces... At least Pawniard looks a little more like a pawn...

Weedle by Dragoonknight717193 viewsAh, one of the original small bugs. I always liked Caterpie more, but Weedle is still cute.

Mew by Dragoonknight717193 viewsAh Mew, the first event Pokemon. Such an adorable one, too. Sadly, events for her never came around where I lived. I had to resort to hacking one. I REGRET NOTHING!

Gigadug by Dragoonknight717191 viewsDugtrio always was rather unnerving to see pop up. They may be fragile, but they hit hard and fast.

Trainer by Dragoonknight717187 viewsHere we have Dragoonknight717 as a Pokemon trainer. Go forth and catch 'em all!