Most viewed - Dragoonknight717 |

Durant by Dragoonknight717181 viewsDurant is rather silly, I mean, the first time you hear it scream at you as it appears, wow X) That and the fact that they made its Dream World ability Truant, seemingly just for the pun of it.

Pearltrio by Dragoonknight717180 viewsSo here we have an alternate evolution for Clamperl. Amusingly, I think I read about some sort of strategy where a particular hold item makes Clamperl a decently viable choice in battle.

Chansey by Dragoonknight717180 viewsAh, Chansey. So cute, so friendly.... so happy to troll you given half a chance. Granted, Blissey is far worse about that, but still...

Larvitar by Dragoonknight717180 viewsLarvitar was one of the last few Johto breeds I trained to 100. Visually though, he is probably my favorite of that line.

Slowking by Dragoonknight717180 viewsFor some reason, I've always liked the Slowpoke family. They're weirdly cute somehow. The appearance of Slowking was a surprise. I have a hard time deciding which I like more between him and Slowbro.

Paratank by Dragoonknight717178 viewsYou know, I wouldn't mind seeing Parasect get an evo, I quite like that breed.

Porygon by Dragoonknight717178 viewsPorygon was always one of my favorites. Pricey though it was to obtain one, I always loved having him on my team. Though he's gained two evolutions by now, the original is still my personal favorite design-wise.

Paras by Dragoonknight717178 viewsParas is one of those undeniably cute Bug types. I always did like Paras, and the poor thing's major appearance in the anime did nothing to dissuade that.

Rotom by Dragoonknight717177 viewsConsidering I trained all six forms of it, I think it's safe to say I quite like Rotom.

Kirby Abilities by Dragoonknight717177 viewsHere we have a set of Kirby's abilities. Quite a nice sampling, seemingly from Kirby Super Star! I do wish Yo-yo would return.

Bonsly by Dragoonknight717175 viewsBonsly I imagine was the first taste of 4th generation for a lot of Pokemon die-hard fans, given his playable cameo in Gale of Darkness.

Jigglypuff by Dragoonknight717175 viewsI rather miss the silly Jigglypuff that followed Ash and co. around. It also strikes me as silly just how brutal she can be in Smash Bros. when played right.