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Sad Truth by Ace-heart826 viewsEveryone feels bad for Toad Man... But if RIP means Rest In Peace.... what does RIH mean? Roast In Hell? ^_^;

No Mew Here by Ace-heart825 views...Seriously, what is WITH that truck? I forget if it's even there in Fire Red or Leaf Green, I never looked.

Virus in Disguise by Ace-heart824 views......Is it wrong that I think they look adorable in their little data disguises?

Quint is Sad by Ace-heart824 viewsDr. Wily at least seems to have some words of comfort for Quint... though I'm not quite sure who these samples of fail are, other than the PC Mega Man...

Curtis823 viewsCurtis is a police officer dedicated to keeping the peace. A skillful rat, he is known for keen aim and the ability to make quick, informed decisions. Curtis (c) R. Mythril

Dragon Man Powered Up by JUN0TheF0X823 viewsThis was sent in as a companion piece to JUN0's original Dragon Man concept, but this time, as a Powered Up, chibi style! This guy has real talent, and I really think he should send this in if ever there's another Robot Master design contest.

MMPU Fire Man Outtakes821 viewsWhen playing as Fire Man, water will put out his flame, weakening his attacks. I knew I wanted to do something with that... then it hit me. Evil birds flying overhead, gleefully dropping water balloons. It just seems like something they'd do ^_^;

Spikeproofed Boots by Ace-heart821 viewsOne does have to wonder why Dr. Light didn't use that same technology on the feet of the HERO OF THE BLOODY WORLD!

No Comment by Ace-heart819 viewsHmm... Something tells me that gem will be tricky to get..... Totally worth it!

Solar Man's Revenge by Ace-heart816 viewsHmm.... So is this what happens when Robot Masters decide THEY want a little REVENGE!!!!?

A Big Lie by Ace-heart815 views.....I'm really not this easily bribed.... Maybe a few more and we'll talk..... NO! Must be honest, must be honesssssst.......... nhhhh, so shiiiiiny......

The Black Devil by Ace-heart814 views.......And I thought Devil bosses were troublesome before...
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