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Ten is for Tengu, Pt 2 by GandWatch812 viewsThe second half of the comic. Looks like Tengu Man might need to take some lessons from his new girlfriend...

Plants vs Emos by Ace-heart812 viewsYou know, for once I think I'm on Quick Man's side.

Congrats by Ace-heart810 viewsI've hit 3000 subs! And it looks like some of my favorite Robot Masters were all invited. That and a bunch of shinies and Mets, can't go wrong with that!

Why Is X That Way by Ace-heart808 views...Evidently Dr. Light got rather kooky in those last few days...

Nowhere Man by GandWatch807 views......I do believe GandWatch has successfully won the "Lan Goes to Nowhere" contest... if there was one.... um.... yeah ^_^; I do think this is probably the most well done result of that, this and the Silent Hill one I think were my favorites X)

Aura804 viewsOriginally basically human, Aura had to take a special elixer to save her life. Made from scales of powerful dragons, the end result gave her wings and a tail. As it has been said that she puts the cute in dragon, she refers to herself now as a dragocuten. Aura (c) C. Hersey

Touhou Memes by GandWatch804 viewsThe number of recursive memes from Touhou is staggering. For instance, Flandre's theme, U.N.Owen Was Her?, was used for the infamous McRoll video, playing clips of Japanese McDonald's commercials to the tune... which then inspired videos of Flandre dancing to the music and making Ronald McDonald's poses... Scary stuff...

Elec Attack by Ace-heart799 viewsElec Man's strategy? If all else fails, cheat!

Nightmare by Ace-heart798 views.......Uh, no thanks..

They Want Fan Art by Ace-heart797 viewsGranted, I wouldn't mind seeing more fan art of other Robot Masters. Shadow Man, Pharaoh Man, Crystal Man, Jewel Man, Snake Man, Yamato Man, Sword Man... There are certainly plenty deserving of it.

You Can't Hide on the Net by MegaBetaman796 viewsYes, my nightmares can find me even on the internet. Why won't they leave me alone?!!

Roahm's Stage pt 3 by MegaBetaman793 viewsAnd now, the final part of my stage. I love the details of the Met dispensers, the warning signs for all the enemies I hate, and even a sign showing that Crystal Man and Jewel Man are accepted. SHINIES!
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