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Difficulties771 viewsThis is an earlier pic I had done (as can be told by the fact that Kitfox is still the human Chris in this one). The message remains true though : I am easily distracted by shiny objects... must collect pretty treasure.... go on without me... Roahm (c) R. Mythril, Chris (c) C. Hersey

Vinnie Veritas768 viewsDaniel as Vinnie Veritas, complete with plushies of Atoles and Tamales! If you haven't seen Vinnie Veritas' flash work, I urge you to check it out. It is very stylish and fun to watch. Daniel (c) C. Hersey, Vinnie Veritas (c) Vinnie Veritas

Foliagen768 viewsA respected gardener, Foliagen is the Chaos Dragon of Wood. Usually quite meek and gentle, he has been known to show his temper when he sees nature being destroyed. Foliagen (c) R. Mythril

Yu-Gi-Oh!767 viewsThe main group from Yu-Gi-Oh! Paul as Yugi, Steven as Joey, Mina as Tea, and Xander as Tristan. Steven and Mina (c) C. Hersey, Paul and Xander (c) R. Mythril, Yu-Gi-Oh! (c) Konami

Miror B766 viewsTony as Miror B from Pokemon XD. Miror B was my favorite character in the game, and this was too good in my mind to resist ^_^; Tony (c) R. Mythril, Pokemon (c) Nintendo and Game Freak

Sherri765 viewsAn adorable ferret girl, Sherri works as an archaeologist. However, she would much rather spend time with her love, Kelly. Soft, cheerful, and friendly by nature, Sherri is liked by almost everyone she meets. Sherri (c) C. Hersey
Date added=Feb 18, 2010 Nitroman_EXE_and_Chillman_EXE_[Fixed]_-_Raiden.png](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Nitroman_EXE_and_Chillman_EXE_%5BFixed%5D_-_Raiden.png)
NitroMan EXE & ChillMan EXE by Raiden764 viewsQuite stylish, these two, Raiden gave them a good ammount of personality. I love NitroMan's victory pose, and ChillMan's cold stare and frosty whisps. These indeed look like good, solid designs, I quite like them ^_^

Rolling Stone by GandWatch763 views....If even Dr. Wily is facepalming, you know you've done something really wrong.

Quick Hair by Ace-heart761 viewsA lot of people wonder what the Robot Masters would look like without their helmets... Maybe it's best we don't know...

MMPU Oil Man Outakes761 viewsIt might not look like it from this pic, but I actually do like Oil Man. His personality is fun. If only they'd given him more advantages with the Oil Slider...

Cirno Helps Out by GandWatch759 viewsThe thing about being helped by Cirno... you never know how well her assistance is going to go... Testing Rain Flush around friends? Perhaps not the best idea...

Toad Man Fail by Ace-heart758 views...I'm not quite sure what Toad Man is failing at exactly, but it isn't particularly farfetched for the poor guy to fail...
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