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That Ice Man is a by Ace-heart758 viewsImpostor! Clearly you are not the cute eskimo we all know and love!

MMPU Boss Rush Outtakes758 viewsMethinks Wily needs to work on his machine a bit more. Are you sure the plans called for a spring right under your seat?

Pokemon and Robot Masters by Ace-heart757 viewsThe legendary bug there with Napalm Man works surprisingly well as a comparison XD That fighting type at the end still creeps me out though XD That one's going to take awhile to grow on me X)

X's Head by Ace-heart755 viewsSo, just what fills X's head? This seems about right.

Ya Can't Resist Moonwalking by Bowserslave755 viewsIndeed, I can't resist it. Viewers will see that soon enough in the Chill Man vid.

Wily is Evil by Ace-heart755 viewsCrystal Man, you can always come work for me. I'd just want some shinies to keep around my lair for intrinsic value. They're too pretty to sell.

Something You Don't Hear Every Day753 viewsAn older pic of mine, but the subject still amuses me. In Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, you could take your Pokemon to Daisy to have her groom them. No matter what breed, she would say "It's such a cute Pokemon!" Which made me laugh every time I took my Mewtwo there ^_^; Roahm (c) R. Mythril, Pokemon (c) Nintendo and Game Freak

Pang Tong746 viewsDruingey as Pang Tong from Dynasty Warriors. Both have a mysterious air to them, so it seemed a good choice to use the secretive lemur as the awesome wind sorcerer. Druingey (c) C. Hersey, Dynasty Warriors (c) Koei

SolarMan EXE and StrikeMan EXE by wizela746 viewsHere we have a couple of Navi designs for Solar Man and Strike Man. Quite nicely drawn, I could see these being used.

Crystal Man is Nice by Ace-heart745 views.....Ooh...... shiny...... so shiiiiiiiiny.......... where was I?

The Gift that is Knowledge by GandWatch744 viewsLeave it to the always clever and inventive Patchouli to find a use for Bright Man. It seems he makes an excellent reading lamp.

MMPU Elec Man Outtakes741 viewsLet's face it... We've all wanted to see this happen to one electric boss or another... X)
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