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Raohm Matrahl at the Lake by Ace-heart637 viewsAce claims this attempt to create me in 3D dot heroes looked bad, and thus he intentionally misspelled my name. Personally I think it looks really nice ^_^

Ace Castle Real Final Boss by Ace-heart637 views......Oh dear... that is worrisome...

Drill A beats Drill B by GandWatch636 viewsHmm... Rock Paper Scissors could be a bit difficult for the Robot Master populous... And then when you go stealing everyone else's powers.... well.... It could get complicated ^_^;

My Room - Otherworld636 viewsSo Alessa decided to crash with me for a few days... Her taste in decorating is a bit odd...

Gaia635 viewsThe spirit of nature itself, Gaia does everything in her power to ensure that nature flourishes. Impressed by the care a local gardener had for his plants, she lives in his greenhouse. Gaia (c) C. Hersey

I Don't Stop This by Ace-heart635 viewsEvidently, ass1h does not wish to stop poking fun at X... and with these images, it's all too easy.

Hydrogon634 viewsA netlife dragon based around water, Hydrogon is an interesting one. As must as he may look like a wise and noble eastern dragon, he is quite silly and playful. Hydrogon (c) C. Hersey

Ia634 viewsThe last survivor of an alien race, Ia is a gentle soul who wanted to leave the war and chaos of her homeworld behind. She escaped to earth with the last survivor of the other race of her world. Ia (c) C. Hersey

Pascal634 viewsPascal is a gem based navi, formed of faceted crystals. His attack data centers around different types of gems. He has experience with data configuration, and as such is a skilled weaponsmith for other navis. Pascal (c) R. Mythril

8bit Dragon Man by JUN0TheF0X634 viewsFurthering the concept of Dragon Man, JUN0TheF0X sent in an 8bit rendition of the robot master in question. His work quite impresses me, it always looks very professional ^_^

Nitro Boost by GandWatch634 viewsI actually have Excitebike World Tour.... I am not that good at it X) Nitro Man would beat me handily.

Cooked With Love by GandWatch634 viewsIn Gensokyo, one always has to worry about the food chain. It must not be easy being a rabbit in this world, but I guess Reisen isn't on the menu today.
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