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Crazy Shiny Met by Ace-heart617 viewsWell, it is shiny, and those eyes definitely say "crazy" to me...

Hiero616 viewsA noble hero, Hiero is skilled at the use of his large, triangular sword. An accident during an adventure led to his having shapeshifting abilities. Hiero (c) C. Hersey

Mac616 viewsA talented sniper, Mac has been betrayed many times in his life, leading to an existance outside the law. He works with like-minded individuals in a vigilante group. Mac (c) R. Mythril

Nain616 viewsOne of the few survivors of a now dead world, Nain is a Kith. Skilled in the use of powerful ice magic, she seems outwardly cold to those around her. She is usually only open with her fellow survivor and mate, Ia. Nain (c) C. Hersey

Running Away by GandWatch616 viewsComments on my channel resulted in this display of what would happen if I woke up in Flandre's basement... Really though, I didn't mean to make her cry...

Red Devil Nightmare by Ace-heart615 viewsHmm.... I almost think this would be less annoying. Putting some speed in the Devil types would at least make the fight go faster...

3D Ice Man by Ace-Heart615 viewsBehold! Adorability in three dimensions!

Garreth614 viewsGarreth is a gryphon with a love for the night life. He does turntables for a local band, and can often be found playing DDR. Garreth (c) R. Mythril

Roahm Used Rest614 viewsSoooooo while Pink was broadcasting Donkey Kong Country Returns, I had forgotten to take my blood pressure meds, and thus, did so late in the day. Those can knock me out sometimes... and did so during the broadcast... and evidently I started snoring over my mic..... um..... yeah.

The Passing Cloud614 viewsHughesNet occasionally temporarily kicks me off AIM. My friends have the running gag of referring to this as a passing cloud messing up the dish reception. Shagg however sees it a different way...

Jace613 viewsA laid back guy, Jace generally takes things easy. He is, however, very protective of his mate. He studied martial arts and the use of tonfa to better defend him. He is known as a good chef as well. Jace (c) R. Mythril

Noire613 viewsA mysterious girl from France, everything is black and white for Noire. A colorblind albino, she can only see in neutral colors. She is a highly skilled chess player, however. Noire (c) C. Hersey
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