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Embrace the Adorable by Jon Causith204 viewsFluttershy is definitely my favorite in the pony crowd. It's pretty much her fault I got into the series in the first place, what with that bunny stampede...
Tedium by Squidy204 views......Yep, that pretty much sums it up.
Well I Do by Jon Causith204 viewsIt's interesting to know someone else that shares this in common with me. People seem to expect me to go for gold and diamonds since they're more valuable, but I'm more in it for what I find attractive, so I more like colored stones and silver.
Weapons We Set Aside - MM10 by Jon Causith204 viewsMM10 is somewhat hit and miss with the weapons, and both our choices reflect those that can be tough to use effectively. Thunder Wool and Chill Spike both have their uses to be sure, but as they're more "setup traps," you have to be really sure of where the foe is headed... which can be a problem when your target is of the non-moving variety...
Eirin by Drew203 viewsA rather cute rendition of my favorite Touhou character, the Genius of the Moon, Eirin Yagokoro.
Star Fox Team by LTFC1992203 viewsA bit wordy this one... I'm not quite sure the full team welcomes me...
Female Met by ZeroJanitor203 viewsQuite adorable, the female Met, as seen in the display cases in Spring Man's stage. I can just imagine them walking around and cutely batting their eyelashes before ducking into the helmet.
Because of BP by NesClassic203 viewsAlternative energy sources are the way to go it seems! As for Slash Man's appearance, well, he is in a stage full of dinosaurs, so he's our fossil fuel representative. Oil Man was not available for comment.
FREEZE by KalmerX203 viewsFreaking McAffe, it's always in the way XD
Quick Men Pillage Pt 22 by Bowserslave203 views.......Uh...... I have no idea what to say about this one.... ^_^;;
Benders by ItalianRobot203 viewsThe ability to bend reality and dimensions... Quite troubling to see such cosmic powers paired together!
Pluto Full Color Spritesheet by SammerYoshi203 viewsHere we have a full set of colored Pluto sprites. I'd love to see the Stardroids return in full color some day.
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