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Heat Man by Henry186 viewsQuite the inferno going on here, it matches Heat Man pretty well I think.

Pink to the Past by Jon Causith186 viewsWorking on this project with Pink was a blast. I had a lot of fun with it, and Jon apparently enjoyed watching it!

Shovel Knight Outro Sans Titles by Jon Causith186 viewsA titleless version for those who just want the image itself.

Happy Birthday by Thomas Kane186 viewsAs of February 9th, I am officially 35 years old. The outfit I have here is rather interesting, sort of a cross of what my dragon and human forms wear. Well, minus the crown and sash, haha. The sleeves are kind of interesting I think.

Beast Man by TheKoopakirby185 viewsThis is quite an interesting take on a Robot Master form of BeastMan.EXE. This one seems to be a bit of a werewolf. I'm somewhat surprised werewolves have only been used as minor enemies in Shade Man's stage thus far...

BladeMan EXE by TheKoopakirby185 viewsThis is an interesting design for a Blade Man Navi, looking at him as an executioner. Though it is strange to think of him as being of good alignment ^_^; Granted, I suppose KillerMan was as well... ^_^;

BookWoman EXE by TPPR10185 viewsA librarian sort of Navi perhaps from the looks of it, perhaps BookWoman would get along well with JudgeMan.

Cast Into the Void by ioddandodd185 viewsWell, I guess we know who would win between Astro Man and Galaxy Man...

Bubble Man by EXEcosmoman20185 viewsQuite a fitting effect for Bubble Man, especially since he tends to come with his very own water battlefield.

Regice by Dragoonknight717185 viewsIt's probably not too surprising that Regice is my favorite of the Regi trio. I always do love my ice types...

Aggron by Dragoonknight717185 viewsAggron is one of those cool Pokemon that I like but haven't gotten around to training yet. I should look into that.

Shadow Armor by IrukaAoi185 viewsHere we have IrukaAoi wearing a Shadow Man armor. She makes quite a stylish kunoichi!
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