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Dust Man by James Fannon185 viewsQuite a nice drawing of Dust Man here in his junkyard lair. Dust Man was an interesting Robot Master, with quite a moody theme.

And For Dessert by Jon Causith185 viewsJon has been confirmed as psychic... Upon seeing this image, I said exactly what I'm saying in this picture, before realizing he drew that part, haha. But yes, pie is delicious.

Shovel Knight Blind Run Intro by Jon Causith185 viewsJon was kind enough to provide this title card for my Shovel Knight project! It was much appreciated, and gave me a good laugh.

Turbotastic by MegamanNerd63185 viewsWell as long as he doesn't go merging with bugs and trying to destroy video game worlds, I'm sure we'll be fine.

The Mega Ball by ULTRAMARIO1184 viewsA stylish capture ball used on Robot Masters? Hmm.... ::looks for Jewel Man and Crystal Man::

Blast Man by MegaBetaman184 viewsThis version of Blast Man seems to go with the theme of bombs. BOOOOOOOMBS! Well, he seems happy about it, anyway ^_^

Thanks by Drew184 viewsSo here's the story here : Drew was working on a texture mod for a Sonic game he's playing, and needed an alternate look for Knuckles. He asked me to come up with something on a character doll maker program he found. So this was the basic result as close as he could get it.

U R SCREWED by supremedragon184 viewsHmm, Mega Man attacking the head designer of Capcom? Methinks there's a conflict of interests here...

Birdy by ioddandodd184 viewsWhen will people listen to me?! Birds are evil!

Springos by SammerYoshi184 viewsHere we have a new enemy type. Perhaps it's more of a helper than an enemy, judging from the flat top though?

Commando Girl by thesonicgalaxy184 views........Sometimes, I just don't know ^_^;

I Think I Don't Like Mega Man the Character by ioddandodd184 viewsIt looks like we have a battle of bad sprites... Between the two, I must admit, Bass looks better...
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