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Blue Slime by Solarblast5183 views...If they are ripping off Dragon Quest, they're doing a poor job of it. The DQ slimes are adorable. The drops are..... decidedly less adorable.

Bugger EXE by vander_axis183 viewsA dragon themed Navi, this one has an interesting, stylish look to it.

Vaan by levelmaster2183 viewsTo be honest, Final Fantasy tends to bore me. But then, so do most RPGs. It's just really not my genre overall.

Pirate Man by Henry183 viewsPirate Man is one of those where, really, you just HAVE to expect things to go wrong with a Robot Master like that.

MM5 Robot Masters by Jon Causith183 viewsA nice group shot of the cast of Mega Man 5!

Mega Man : The Beatles by LTFC1992182 viewsHmm... but who would be the Robot Masters? Nowhere Man? Egg Man?

Axl EXE by TPPR10182 viewsOther than knowing that the original Axl comes from the X series, there's nothing I can really add to this one... I've never actually played an entry in the X series that had Axl in it...

Too Much Fun with Paint by ioddandodd182 viewsNot quite sure what game this is, but things are going a bit.... well, odd.

Bingo Man by KevROB948182 viewsEvidently made as a simple amusement by Dr. Wily, he can still hold his own in a battle. Just look at Clown Man! Wily makes some dangerous toys.

What a Day by ioddandodd182 viewsHmm.... Is a giant wedge of cheese really enough to distract me from the switching of our tails? I'll have to think about that.

Ken 8-bit by DelralionV2182 viewsI'm not quite sure who this is, to be honest... ^_^;

You Guys by ioddandodd182 viewsHmm... I really don't know what to make of this one... other than I still don't like X... It's not the sexuality of a robot (um.... however that works), but rather the whinyness, and the fact that his world sucks.
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