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SolarMan EXE by thesonicgalaxy182 viewsSolarMan.EXE looks pretty straightforward, quite a sunny disposition on that one! His operator looks possibly like a scientist researching solar energy. I guess it would either have to be that or a sunbather X)

Most Awesome DLC by TheLupineOne182 viewsWell, the artist IS TheLUPINEOne, so of course Treble has a fan.

Swordys Revenge by Solarblast5182 viewsIt seems Swordys might not take well to deletion. These ones are back for some brutal, Muramasa-y REVENGE!!

Top Man's Ballet by jackrc11182 viewsIt seems Top Man is teaching ballet! Fitting, but it seems he's quite hard to please.

Komachi Onozuka by zacexe3182 viewsIt's nice to see, judging from her card's effect, that Komachi will take her job seriously while in play ^_^;

Judgment of the Dead by zacexe3182 viewsThis ritual card will summon Shikieiki Yamaxanadu to the field. If done with just the right cards, it can have even more effects.

Suwako is Amused by GeorgeTheRaccoon182 viewsSuwako is also adorable when she's amused. But then she's pretty much adorable constantly.

Odd to Joy by ioddandodd182 viewsEvidently, when stressed, Odd tends to make up lyrics to Ode to Joy about whatever is troubling him. In this case, it seems to be finals.

Chinchou by Dragoonknight717182 viewsChinchou is one of those Pokemon that did take a little while to grow on me, design-wise, but now I think they're quite adorable.

Orb Grinding by GeorgeTheRaccoon182 viewsAh, the final grind of Secret of Mana. I spent at least 12 hours on this before finally figuring out how to use savestates to mess with the RNG ^_^; Considering my team had already gotten close to or past Level 90... yeah, it was getting ridiculous X)

FRIZBAR by GeorgeTheRaccoon182 viewsSecret of Mana has some truly bizzare weapon names. Fork of Hope, Garuda Buster, Lode Boomerang... But FRIZBAR has to be one of the most fun ones. Come on, just try it, yell it out loud. FRIZBAR!!!

Shuckle by Dragoonknight717182 viewsShuckle is.... strange. One of those Pokemon I've never been able to figure out. What the heck is it? Even training one is weird due to their unorthodox stats and movepool.
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