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Shard Man by SammerYoshi181 viewsSeemingly crystaline in form, or possibly glass, we have a new Robot Master! Sometime I really should draw my Robot Masters. I need to finalize my design for Glass Man...

Shark Man Stage Sample by SammerYoshi181 viewsIt seems Shark Man has a suitably nautical stage design. Hopefully better than the PC game as well ^_^;

Shark Man Boss Room by SammerYoshi181 viewsShark Man's room seems to have two entrances, and enough water to keep a shark happy and content.

Bell Man Concept by Hfbn2181 viewsHere we have some concept art of Bell Man, working to solidify his look and show different angles. It's interesting seeing a process like this.

Sanzu No Kawa by zacexe3181 viewsThis card by itself has some useful abilities, though combined with Komachi, it helps out even more, limiting your opponent's abilities.

Nightmare Battle by TheNoobmapler181 viewsI know you guys are all my nightmares... but one of you has to be the strongest, right?...... So who is it?

Suwako Exterminate by GeorgeTheRaccoon181 viewsSuwako is the cutest Dalek ever? What a twist!

Police Met by darkness man181 viewsEvidently, according to the artist, this is some sort of British joke... alas, no more was said about it, so I don't really understand ^_^;;

Trapinch by Dragoonknight717181 viewsThis is one of those cases of strange evolution. It's tough to believe this guy evolves into Flygon ^_^;

Hitmonchan by Dragoonknight717181 viewsHitmonchan is definitely my favorite of the three Hitmons, and in fact was on my original 1st gen team. With new abilities and the physical move split of his punches, he's still quite a valuable team member even today.

Durant by Dragoonknight717181 viewsDurant is rather silly, I mean, the first time you hear it scream at you as it appears, wow X) That and the fact that they made its Dream World ability Truant, seemingly just for the pun of it.

Mirror Man by GoldNTearuka181 viewsMirror Man is one of those concepts I'm kind of surprised hasn't actually been used yet... Though granted, I guess there is Enker if he counts.
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