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Fighter Kirby by GoldNTearuka181 viewsPunching Kracko right in the eye does seem quite satisfying.

Spaz-o-Matic by James Lee181 viewsI worry about this contraption. Some things just should not be spazes.

Knight Man by Henry181 viewsAh, so that's what the CAPITAL OF SCIENCE looks like from the outside...

Dragon Soul by JaxsonXIII181 viewsI wonder just what it would do...

Dragon Prod v2 by WhiteSiren181 viewsTruly diabolical, that! How many references can you spot?

Nightmare EXE Results 1 by Wason Liu181 viewsQuickMan is definitely the one. These others, they didn't quite live up to how bad their RM counterparts were.

Ninja Higsby by jsonic872180 viewsWe know Higsby will do anything for a rare chip... but even this?

The Lost Shiny by roxasofmalice180 viewsIt seems Lugia and Ho-oh have found quite an entrancing shiny in their journeys! The interesting thing is, I have a lot of gems just like that that I have near my computer. Ironically, green happens to be a color I'm missing.

Astro EXE by TheKoopakirby180 viewsHere we have a female Navi counterpart to Astro Man. It seems she's based more around hovercrafts however.

MetMan EXE by dalo2953180 viewsFinally, a hero for all the Mettaurs out there on the net! Behold, MetMan.EXE!

Love Advice for Blaziken by ioddandodd180 viewsHmm.... Is this really the best place to ask for romantic advice...?

YAY YAY YAY by ioddandodd180 viewsI KNEW the birds were evil...
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