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Larvitar by Dragoonknight717180 viewsLarvitar was one of the last few Johto breeds I trained to 100. Visually though, he is probably my favorite of that line.

Slowking by Dragoonknight717180 viewsFor some reason, I've always liked the Slowpoke family. They're weirdly cute somehow. The appearance of Slowking was a surprise. I have a hard time deciding which I like more between him and Slowbro.

Roahm Loves Mega Man by TEHMEGAMASTAH180 viewsWell, it is true, I do enjoy Mega Man. Still trying to get more variety going on my channel, after all, Mega Man is not my only gaming interest, just a major one ;)

Quick Man by IrukaAoi180 viewsYou know, Quick Man isn't the sort of guy I'd want to go clubbing with or anything, but I have to admit the guy has a stylish look.

Beware of Dragon by SilentDragonite149180 viewsGranted I'm a nice dragon, so as long as you're nice too, there's not much to beware of.

Patchouli's Library by Raul Molar180 viewsPatchy is pretty high up on my favorite characters list. The sheer variety of her spell cards is interesting.

Magic Man by Henry180 viewsI always kind of wondered what it would be like to see a stage magic show up close.

Mega Electrode by EvilMariobot180 views...Well, it seems the natural progression, yes. Rather clever, using the M of the Master Ball to make the eyes.

At the Lake by MegaManNerd63180 viewsWe'll let Dive Man have his moment here. Even if he didn't always get to show off his power to the fullest.

Kabobs by TomtaJolz179 viewsShrimp kabobs for everyone! That's what you get for being so bloody annoying! If it is any more intimidating for them... fried shrimp is pretty much the only type of seafood I can tolerate on occasion...

The True Nightmare by xBlueBlastxX179 viewsAn unfilled health bar? That's the true nightmare if ever I saw one!

Hydra Man by TheKoopakirby179 viewsClaimed to be a nightmare boss in training, I suppose one that only got stronger as the battle progresses would be trouble indeed.
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