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Hard Headed Hero, Seriously by WingmanVWXYZ178 views.....>There's nothing I can possibly say about this other than just bursting into laughter XD

Light's Sleeping Robots by thesonicgalaxy178 viewsThough this raises the question, how long would a pillow last with Cut Man using it?

Static Man Stage Sample 3 by SammerYoshi178 viewsI'm still not quite sure I get what's going on in this stage...

Uhhh by jackrc11178 views.......Sometimes, I just have no idea what to say ^_^;

Bass Talks of Silent Hill by ioddandodd178 viewsSilent Hill. A nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

Suwako is Not Amused by GeorgeTheRaccoon178 viewsThat does seem an oddly serious expression for the usually cheerful Suwako ^_^;

Yami Man by TPPR10178 viewsHere we have a new Robot Master, one based upon the power of darkness.

SolarMan EXE by obelisk104178 viewsThis one looks quite fearsome, though some Aqua chips should cripple him nicely.

Suwako is Embarassed by GeorgeTheRaccoon178 viewsAt least she looks cute, even if embarassed.

Bela Lushade Man by darkness man178 viewsNow see, THAT'S how a vampire should be. Can't go wrong with the classics. You never saw Bela Lugosi sparkle in the sun...

Sakuya Feels Injured by GeorgeTheRaccoon178 viewsInjured or no, Sakuya doesn't seem particularly put off by it.

Happy Birthday by GeorgeTheRaccoon178 viewsAfter all my Perfect Runs, I should have enough blade-type weapons to deal with Cake Man there. Plenty for everyone, including the Mettaur, Shadow, Rabbite, and Eirin!
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