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StarMan Doll by Devin Washington177 viewsYou know, a StarMan.EXE doll would be pretty dang adorable.

Derp Chip by Devin Washington177 viewsYes, nothing can escape the derp.

Christmas Present for Roahm by Wason Liu177 viewsWell then, that is indeed a large and lovely shiny. How could I say no?

Mega Man Western by LTFC1992176 viewsMega Man of the oooooooold west! Seems like Tomahawk Man would be a good fit for this place...

Megaman vs the Doom Eye by pokeking45176 viewsThis looks like quite a fearsome opponent indeed! I wonder which organization would be behind this one...

CrashMan EXE by TheKoopakirby176 viewsAn interesting rendition of CrashMan.EXE, this one is themed on laser tag. It was said his level would also feature this theme, which sounds like it could be interesting.

Specter Woman by TPPR10176 viewsHere we have a ghostly Robot Master, based around traditional blue "ghost fire."

Shock Man by cardmaster9176 viewsHere we have a new Robot Master, the electric samurai, Shock Man! I rather like this design.

Mega Man Making Life harder For Himself by ioddandodd176 viewsTsk, Mega Man isn't exactly making a good impression here...

Roahm Mythril Picture Sprited by WingmanVWXYZ176 viewsA rather interesting picture, here we have a sprited version of my avatar icon on YouTube. It looks quite nice and stylish I think ^_^

Something is WRONG by ioddandodd176 viewsYouTube does seem to be doing this a lot lately...

Wire Whip from thesonicgalaxy176 viewsJudging from Wire Man's spritesheet, the Wire Whip sounds quite devestating, able to cause instant death.
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