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ARG by ioddandodd176 viewsHmm... Someone perhaps prefers the old style of Flandre Flan...

Toad's Real Secret by thesonicgalaxy176 viewsI'm still pretty sure those are his thumbs and he just has mitten-like, outstretched hands ^_^;

Really Why is he Here by ioddandodd176 viewsI can't say I know who he's with there either...

All Your Bass by DarknessMan176 viewsActually all your Bass were belong to Sean and Gospel. At least until the real Bass got tired of it.

Chibi Quick Man by SammerYoshi176 views........Chibi him up all you want, Quick Man is still an evil spaz ^_^;

Tails vs Zero by JokerTH08176 viewsIt seems Tails has suddenly found himself in battle with Zero! However, he still looks like he's going strong, whereas Zero looks ready to drop.

FAIRY by ioddandodd176 viewsFairies are certainly tricky to catch little buggers...

Tenshi is Mad by GeorgeTheRaccoon176 views......It seems Tenshi is not happy about her pairing ^_^;

Great Knife Interpretation by zacexe3176 viewsA rather interesting interpretation of the Great Knife used by Pyramid Head. The use of the parts of the Halo of the Sun is a nice touch.

It Clown Man by darkness man176 views...... You know, I think I'm starting to understand the fear of clowns.

Perfect Runner by thejd1324176 viewsI have certainly been at it awhile. It's a fun series when I can think of good games to use for it that I enjoy playing.

Dragomet by Jarid Stone176 viewsEvery hero needs a partner, and here's Dragon Man's friend, Shiner, the Dragomet!
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