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Sableye by Dragoonknight717174 viewsIt should come as no surprise that I really like Sabeleye... So shiny.... so stylish...

A Tale of Twins by Jon Causith174 viewsA bit of insight here, the story definitely has some feels to it. Haha, I think it more just hit me as weirdly timed and explained, but I more blame the writers / translators for that.

Nightmare EXE Results 2 by Wason Liu174 viewsAnd then there are these two. We'll have to wait a bit to see how they do.

SolarMan EXE by penquin polarbear173 viewsIt looks like SolarMan EXE is already after my blood! What did I ever do to you?! You don't even exist as a Navi!

Mega Man by ULTRAMARIO1173 viewsWell, what else would you capture with Mega Man themed PokéBalls?

Mega Man Sport by LTFC1992173 viewsHere we have a compilation of all of LTFC1992's Mega Man soccer outfits. I can't say I know much about sports in general, so thankfully these are labelled ^_^;

Diler and Beatbox EXE by KalmerX173 viewsHere we have two young and friendly Navis. First there's Beatbox, a music themed Navi who loves rock and hates country (which I can definitely relate to). We also have Diler, evidently a child-like Navi created from leftover data from Croko.

Business at the Imaga HQ by ioddandodd173 viewsNever question ioddandodd... It will result in fire and being on it.

Ice Man Dance by SammerYoshi173 viewsLooks like Ice Man is pretty pumped up about how the vote went!

He's Gone Mad by ItalianRobot173 viewsThe face kind of reminds me of an F.O.E. from Etrian Oddysee ^_^;

Shockwave Man by thesonicgalaxy173 viewsHere's a more detailed drawing of Shockwave Man, a robot master designed by thesonicgalaxy, and for whom a spritesheet was made earlier.

Runner Man by thesonicgalaxy173 viewsSeemingly another speed based Robot Master, can Runner Man possibly keep up with the likes of Quick, Turbo, and Nitro?
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