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For Roahm by dwab321172 viewsThis was actually mailed to me by dwab321 along with a copy of No More Heroes! Thank you very much for that ;) He had lost the original box for the game, so sent me a different box, putting this in as a placeholder cover for the case.

BurstMan EXE by TheKoopakirby172 viewsIt looks like we have a bit of a chibi bomb here. The countdown display seems to double as his eyes. However, don't let the cute look deceive you. Evidently BurstMan is a sort of "cleanup" Navi, sent by criminals as a sort of explosive assassin!

Thunder Man by TheKoopakirby172 viewsTheKoopakirby has a different take on Thunder Man. Everyone seems to think Thunder Man should be electric in nature, but TheKoopakirby has the valid point that thunder is actually sound, not electricity.

Mega Met 7 by KalmerX172 viewsAnd next, the Met'd cast of MM7. The Slash Met looks fuzzy and pettable X)

Baby Hitto and Waddle Dee by IrukaAoi172 viewsEvidently, a discussion between IrukaAoi and GandWatch / Neo resulted in a conversation about the MM2 Robot Masters as babies.... and thus this incredible cuteness resulted... Somehow the snuggly Waddle Dee just looks right there X)

Twas Too Tempting by ioddandodd172 viewsWell, SirColonel did want someone to do a comic of him playing Battleship... ^_^;

Blue Devil by TPPR10172 viewsDon't give Capcom any ideas, we don't need more Devil bosses ^_^;

Uh Roahm HELP by ioddandodd172 viewsTo be fair, I didn't say I wouldn't help, I was just remarking on the cuteness of the dino ^_^; Right, to the rescue then.

Mega Man is the Blue Spy by thesonicgalaxy172 viewsSo Fire Man, Heat Man, Flame Man, Turbo Man, Burner Man, Sword Man, Magma Man, and Solar Man were just trying to do a Spy Check all this time...

Skittles x 2 by thesonicgalaxy172 viewsMmm.... Skittles are good... At least I have some Starbursts...

Sora by GeorgeTheRaccoon172 viewsAccording to the artist, Sora is disappointed that I don't have any KH runs on my channel. Whether this is a "subtle" hint or not, I can't be sure, but either way, Sora's going to have to wait a good bit longer. KH isn't even quite on my radar right now with all the other definite projects I have in line.

Ninjask by Dragoonknight717172 viewsI always did like Ninjask's style. When it came time for me to train one though, I handled things a bit differently. I trained a Nincada to Lv 99, only letting it evolve once it hit the final level. And thus I got a Lv 100 Ninjask AND a Lv 100 Shedinja, thanks to how that whole mechanic works.
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