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Wobbufett by Dragoonknight717172 viewsAgggh, bad memories... This one was a pain to train... and I have to do it again with Wynaut...

Turbo Man Neo by IrukaAoi172 viewsAnother part of the forum project, here Neo has taken up the armor of Turbo Man. Speed on!

Blizzard Man by Henry172 viewsThere's something about Blizzard Man's design I just can't help but like. He just seems like he'd be so jovial.

Dynamo Man by Henry172 viewsPoor Dynamo Man. You really have to feel sorry for him when you hear his backstory.

Gyro Man by Henry172 viewsThere's something about Gyro Man's design that I've always liked. He's definitely one of Kit's favorites.

ChillManEXE by jojidubi4172 viewsI could see ChillMan.EXE being a fairly blocky Navi like this.

Seadock McTreasureKnight by Jon Causith172 viewsIn looking at the Order of No Quarter, Jon mentioned that he thought Treasure Knight somewhat bore a resemblance to Launchpad from Duck Tales. And so this happened.

Lepus by Thomas Kane172 viewsHere we have a rendition of the artist's character in NetNavi form. You know, I'd be pretty okay with having a bunny navi around.

Keeping Up with Roll by MegamanNerd63172 viewsRoll's various outfits in Powered Up were all pretty cute, I forget which month had this one though.

Fight for Everlasting Friendship by MegamanNerd63172 viewsI have to wonder why some of these are in the roles they've taken, haha.

Mega Man Miami Vice by LTFC1992171 viewsThe streets of Miami are a little safer with Mega Man on the job. Originally, it was planned for Bass to appear as Mega Man's ally. Why couldn't Proto Man be there?... Well, it is Miami. If Proto Man was there with his shades?..... YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Mettaur Ball by ULTRAMARIO1171 viewsAnother capture ball type which makes it easy to capture battle chips... I could use some of these...
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