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Ninjask by Dragoonknight717171 viewsI always did like Ninjask's style. When it came time for me to train one though, I handled things a bit differently. I trained a Nincada to Lv 99, only letting it evolve once it hit the final level. And thus I got a Lv 100 Ninjask AND a Lv 100 Shedinja, thanks to how that whole mechanic works.

Troll Slime Red by TheJeppesk171 viewsRed Drops are perhaps the most annoying of the first three types. They cause Engulf, which is basically like combining Frosty's immobility with Poison's decreasing health. Ouch!

Turbo Man Neo by IrukaAoi171 viewsAnother part of the forum project, here Neo has taken up the armor of Turbo Man. Speed on!

Warrior Man by GoldNTearuka171 viewsA blade based Robot Master, it looks like he'd work well with Sword Man and Blade Man.

Dynamo Man by Henry171 viewsPoor Dynamo Man. You really have to feel sorry for him when you hear his backstory.

Galaxy Man by Henry171 viewsAh, Galaxy Man, all he wants is a hug.

StarMan EXE by Devin Washington171 viewsI always did like the EXE version of StarMan. It's just such a neat design.

Vampire Hunting Tools of the Trade by Jon Causith171 viewsWhen it comes to Castlevania, I've always loved the old school cross boomerang. Holy Water also definitely has its uses. Seeing how it can break some bosses... it's pretty amazing. As for the Crossbow... dangit I need to play Portrait of Ruin again...

Supercar by LTFC1992170 viewsIf ever I could get a new car, that would definitely be the color. I always did like deep, rich greens.

Hikari by killergreymon170 viewsKillergreymon has sent in a Touhou-themed original character, Hikari. I wonder just what power she might have...

If you understand this COOKIES by ioddandodd170 viewsOther than Proto Man baking here, I suppose no cookies for me?

Berzerk EXE by TPPR10170 viewsHere we have a new Navi. It seems to call to mind some of the sword viruses from later games, I think specifically they were in the Starforce series.
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